Brushes are mainly used for cleaning, dust removal and polishing in industrial production process.
Industrial brush products include: brush rollers, abrasive nylon brush
rollers, roller brushes, wire brushes, strip brushes, belt brushes, disc
brushes, spring brushes, nylon brushes, rubber rolls, sponge suction
rollers, sanitary car sweep brushes, fireplace chimney brushes,
bottle-washing pipe brushes, glass cleaning machine brush rolls, fruit
and vegetable cleaning machine brush rolls, textile and dyeing brushes,
ceramic glaze line brushes, paper printing. Equipment cots, anti-static
brushes, metal polishing and abrasive brushes, metal pickling brush
rollers, automatic shoe polisher brush wheel and other special brushes.
Mainly used in:
抛光清洗业: 各类抛光用阳雕刻 水刀切割机 pvc软管 手套生产设备 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 果树反光膜刷条.剑麻条,棉布轮,棉布片,羊毛轮,马毛轮,猪鬃轮等;
Polishing and cleaning industry: all kinds of polishing brush strips,
sisal strips, cotton wheel, cotton sheet, wool wheel, horse hair wheel,
bristle wheel, etc.
食品饮料业: 各种切菜机毛刷、蘑菇清洗机毛刷、毛发去杂毛刷、洗果机毛刷、削肉机毛刷等;
Food and beverage industry: various vegetable cutter brushes, mushroom
washer brushes, hair removal brushes, Fruit Washer brushes, meat cutter
brushes, etc.
纺织印染业: 各种定型机毛刷轮、烧毛机毛刷、磨毛机毛刷、刷毛机毛刷、精梳机毛刷、细纱机毛刷等;
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