不织布刷辊是PCB制造业较晚选用的一类刷辊,按制造工艺不同分为辐射状(Flap type),圆片状(Disk
type)和整体海绵状(Sponge type)三类。辐射状(Flap type)和圆片状(Disk
Non-woven brush rollers are a kind of late-selected brush rollers in PCB
manufacturing industry, which slzuranji.37ix.com.cn
jiaqiao.37ix.com.cnchuguanblg.37ix.com.cnzengrenji.37ix.com.cncan be
divided into three types according to different manufacturing processes:
Flap type, Disk type and Sponge type. Flap type and Disk type can meet
the different needs of various customers because of the different
matching of materials, density and processing technology.
陶瓷刷辊引入PCB制造保定平面设计培训 防撞墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞护栏模具 大棚遮阳网 遮阴业更是近些年来的行业新趋向,这种刷辊特别适用于塞孔油墨去除和PTH后处理,但因其造价太高加之最近不织布刷辊又研制出了类似功能的刷辊,陶瓷刷辊的市场份额有待该种刷辊的成本进一步降低后才会有进一步的扩展。
The introduction of ceramic brush rollers into PCB manufacturing
industry is a new trend in recent years. This kind of brush rollers is
especially suitable for plug hole ink removal and PTH post-treatment.
However, due to its high cost and the recent development of similar
function brush rollers, the market share of ceramic brush rollers will
not expand until the cost of this kind of brush rollers is further