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网址:www.ytylzs.com  日期:2021-11-01  作者:admin    阅读:

钢丝刷所用钢丝型号有201#、206#、304#、316#普通钢丝;针布钢丝.镀铜钢丝.弹簧光面钢丝等,针对不同用途选取相应的型号钢丝,选取不同的钢丝直径,这样可避免不必要的浪费及达到理想的清除效果.201#钢丝浸水后较易生锈,206#不锈钢丝其韧性比之204#要强得多,适用于铝业厂对铝带表面进行刮痕、基理等特殊处理,或者用于塑胶业、木业去毛刺等。304#不锈钢丝算比较优质的一种钢丝,它不仅韧性强,且耐酸碱性,适合于盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门钢板或矿业、机械制造行业,对钢材表面进行除锈、去油、酸洗等。钢丝有直丝和波纹丝两种,丝的粗细可根据不同的需要而定。
Wire brushes are made of 201 #, 206 #, 304 #, 316 # ordinary steel wires, clothing steel wires, copper-plated steel wires, spring smooth steel wires, etc. For different purposes, different types of steel wires are selected and different diameter of steel wires are selected, which can avoid unnecessary waste and achieve ideal cleaning effect. 201 # steel wires are easy to rust after immersion in water, and 206 # stainless steel wires are much stronger and more suitable than 204 #. It is used for scratching and basic treatment of aluminium strip surface in aluminium factory, or deburring in plastic industry and wood industry. 304_stainless steel wire is a kind of high quality steel wire. It is not only tough, but also acid and alkali resistant. It is suitable for steel plate or mining industry, machinery manufacturing industry. It can remove rust, oil and pickling on the surface of steel. There are two kinds of steel wire, straight wire and corrugated wire. The thickness of the wire can be determined according to different needs.
